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AORUS SLI HB bridge (2 slot spacing)



    Supports 2 way SLI on NVIDIA GTX 10 series graphics card
    Supports Dual Link SLI HB (high bandwidth)
    Optimized for 4K+ resolution
    AORUS logo LED illumination
    2 slot PCI-E spacing


Interface NVIDIA SLI Technology, Supports Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti series, GTX 1080 series, GTX 1070 series
SLI Finger width 80mm ( 2 slot PCI-E spacing )
Dimension 99.5*53.15*18mm
Weight N/A

* The entire materials provided herein are for reference only. GIGABYTE reserves the right to modify or revise the content at anytime without prior notice.
* Advertised performance is based on maximum theoretical interface values from respective Chipset vendors or organization who defined the interface specification. Actual performance may vary by system configuration.
* All trademarks and logos are the properties of their respective holders.
* Due to standard PC architecture, a certain amount of memory is reserved for system usage and therefore the actual memory size is less than the stated amount.

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